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At this moment in a sentence

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Sentence count:138+1Posted:2016-07-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: at the momentmomentmomentumin a momentfor the momentat this stagenot to mentionat that time
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(31) Even at this moment brother Mycroft will be early at his desk in the Foreign Office, soothing agitated ministers.
(32) At this moment in history, however, the White House personifies the worst of political greed and excess.
(33) A large heap of peanuts belonged to her at this moment, and her natural liveliness was well to the fore.
(34) The one occasion which was flashing through Yanto's mind at this moment involved just three of the local water babies.
(35) To arrive at this moment, Packard spent the early 1980s locating small, flowery clearings in the thickets of Illinois woods.
(36) It was no good; reading at this moment in time was the last thing she felt like.
(37) Guys, do you know how happy I am at this moment?
(38) He seemed big and rugged - more like a logger than a hotel executive at this moment.
(39) She was, at this moment, like a slave on a podium waiting for the bid.
(40) He had never done this before, but it somehow seemed appropriate to be naked at this moment.
(41) The threat of at least one multi-million-dollar fine facing Koons and Sonnabend compounds their financial woes at this moment.
(42) It was at this moment of increasing daily use that the most profound lifestyle changes were perceived by the interviewees.
(43) At this moment, groups of people are getting together to publish their own work.
(44) Henry's only plan at this moment was to play for time.
(45) It's exactly at this moment that they feel panic and get into those messy situations with mistresses, divorces and remarriages.
(46) At this moment they were enjoying a sustaining breakfast of sausages, bacon, eggs and fried bread.
(47) At this moment he emerged from the midstream.
(48) At this moment the three intrepid travellers appeared.
(49) At this moment of truth, you must keep calm.
(50) At this moment, thoughts of Celia were a digression.
(51) At this moment a recruit out of alignment.
(52) At this moment,[ this moment.html] walk along gentlewoman.
(53) He's touring South America at this moment in time.
(54) FO beacon is not coming at this moment yet.
(55) At this moment his train of thought stopped abruptly.
(56) At this moment, it was Hobo and me a blank, uncharted road in front of us.
(57) Never before had I yearned to see another person as much as at this moment. Anyone, even footsteps from behind, would have been enough. People, people who need people, as Barbra Streisand sang.
(58) At this moment, be turn for Xie Jin, he stalks of grain without the speech, grab a few phenomena that mike begins reprimand China filmdom to exist.
(59) But at this moment Winston noticed some tufts of loosestrife growing in the cracks of the cliff beneath them. One tuft was of two colours, magenta and brick-red, apparently growing on the same root.
(60) I have nothing else I would like to Aquaria at this moment.
More similar words: at the momentmomentmomentumin a momentfor the momentat this stagenot to mentionat that timewhat is morecommencementamendmentat thatentertainmentsentimentat the age ofat the end ofat the time ofat the cost ofat the mercy ofat the same timeat the thought ofat the beginningat the expense ofsomethingat the beginning ofsomething ofsomething likesomething elseattentionmentor
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